Friday, January 20, 2012

Play LP Records With A Laser Turntable

Those tricky Japanese have created a laser turntable to play your old LP records on (also plays 45's and 78's).  How insane is that?  Here's a blurb from their web site:
"The ELP laser turntable plays grooved, analog 33.3, 45 or 78 RPM discs using laser beams instead of the conventional tone arm/stylus technology. The walls of each groove are illuminated by five laser beams: two for the left and right channel audio pick-ups, two for the horizontal tracking (which assures that the audio pick-up is directly above the center of the groove), and one for the vertical tracking (which assures that the lasers are at the proper height to focus on the groove, compensating for warps or discs of varying thickness). Sensors capture the reflections from the walls and the system translates the optical imprint into and electrical signal."
Before you rush off to buy a player check out their prices: their base unit starts at $8000.

More here:

1 comment:

  1. It reproduces music in vinyl records without any contact, without any digitization. By return the Laser Sound Quality is quite similar to the original music in master tape.
    Laser Turntable
