Friday, March 30, 2018

10 Best Post Punk Albums Own On Vinyl

Post-punk is a general term for a wide range of music made between 1978 and 1984 that experimented with sound, style, and influence. It combined art’s daring with punk’s wrath but broke beyond the traditional rock ‘n roll trappings.  Between atmospheric dirges and frenetic dance exaltations, from songs that inwardly burn to songs that outwardly rage, there are dozens of post-punk landmarks that deserve intense study. Don't necessarily agree with all of these but here are ten albums: 10 Post Punk Albums Own On Vinyl

1 comment:

  1. I wish they would just say that the The Fall's best album was their first ('Live At The Witch Trials'). Instead, the critics fanny about with 'Grotesque', or 'This Nations Saving Grace' or - whatever!!

    Stop it. The album IS 'Live At The Witch Trials'. Now, say the title .....
